Registry/Registrar Bulletin

An exciting new chapter is beginning for our Partners & Customers. Learn more.

Für unsere Partner und Kunden beginnt ein aufregendes neues Kapitel. Weitere Informationen

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IMPORTANT: Changes to .CO Renewal Handling

Effective immediately, the process for .CO domain renewals has changed. Non-renewed domains, including domains set to AUTOEXPIRE or AUTODELETE, will only be deleted 44 days after the expiration date.  At the point of expiration (expiration date) these domains get suspended by the registry and stop resolving. Please note that during this period of 44 days, .CO domains can still be renewed by the reseller by simply sending a renew command. The renewal of .CO domains set to AUTORENEW will be finalized on the expiration date, to prevent the registry from suspending them.


Improvements to dot DK Renewals and Transfers

Effective immediately, .DK expiration dates have now been directly aligned with the DK Registry. This means the expiration date for any DK domain is now at the end of the month in which the domain was originally is set to expire.  For example, if a domain's expiration date was August 04, the new expiration date is now August 31.  Additionally, FINALIZATION and FAILURE PERIODS have changed from -6 days to -3 days, allowing for better renewal and deletion flexibility.

.DK domain transfers have now been fully automated. Billing for .DK domains changes to our registrar at the point of transfer submission.  Please note, that it is the DK Registry that informs the registrant of the record of the change.  Transfers are only permitted after an approval from the registrant.


Improvements of dot .CZ Renewals

Effective now, .CZ domain names have extended renewal timeframes.

Then starting October 1, 2011, a further change in favor of registrants will occur again:

.SG (.SG and .com.SG) Price Increase - September 1, 2011

Due to the weak USD currency, our partner on .SG domains has been forced to adjust their pricing for .SG domains.  Unfortunately, these upward price adjustments must also be passed on accordingly.  As of September 1, 2011 the new pricing will be as follows:

As of September 1, 2011 the new prices for .SG (.SG and .com.SG) will be as follows:


.BIZ Price Increase - February 1, 2012

NeuStar just announced that the Registry will be increasing the annual prices for .BIZ domains starting February 1, 2012.  The announcement from NeuSTar actually follows the recent VeriSign announcement of .COM and .NET price increases.  More price increases are expected, renew your .BIZ domains now and save money.

.BIZ Prices: increasing by 0.55 USD per Domain/Year.



IMPORTANT:  Bank Account Changes for HEXONET Germany

All USD Bank Accounts for HEXONET Germany are changing on September 9, 2011.  Please note the following changes as they will effect those customers who make payment to HEXONET Germany via bank wire transfer.  All other bank wire information remains the same.

These changes will go into effect September 9, 2011.